Thursday, January 20, 2011


Carmel frozen coffee

Me with my darling sis!

Marionberry Scone

I loved the contrast between the cold rainy outside..and the warmth of being inside.
I'm happy! I finally got the pictures uploaded and now I can post them!these are from the coffee shop (kinda obvious...)

Others....I get bored sorry....


  1. You really are a skilled and creative photographer. What type of camera do you use? Do you do any post editing? If so what software do yo use? Keep up the great work. J3

  2. i LOVE the "contrast" one the cards and the book! they are SOOO cool! :)

  3. Jer....thank you. I just like taking pictures of the things people wouldn't expect to see a pic of....and no... no software because I haven't loaded it to my computer yet and My dads digital canon....

    Jewls..thanks...:D the book is my favorite page of little women :D


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