Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry (belated) Christmas, Lovelies!

 Well, I've had a decent amount of time to catch up on my blog reading this past week, as I am on holiday. And I have discovered that I was tagged in several different, and lovely, blog parties. I will not be participating because I think it is just too much to catch up on, and it would look rather silly now, wouldn't it? So instead, I'd love to hear how your Christmas, and other holidays, have been! please comment, or direct me to whatever blog post you've already written about your Christmas. Tell me how the Lord spoke to you as you celebrated His birth, or what book you cannot wait to pour over, &tc...
 For now, I'm off to watch The Scarlet Pimpernel  with my family (I'm so excited, they've yet to see it!!), and to figure out what I'm going to write tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie! How nice to see a post from you! I'm super sorry I never emailed you back, but I will try to sometime soon. :) I hope you had a lovely Christmas!


I review comments to keep from being spammed.
I only have one request of my readers, please keep the language clean and family-friendly! God bless.