Thursday, January 3, 2013


 It's my blog-o-versary! Two years I've been at this! It seems like so much longer, yet I feel somewhat pathetic when I think this is my 111th post. For two years?! Any way, in honor of such a momentous occasion,  I've written my resolutions for the coming year, re-designed the blog, and created a Facebook page for Eccentricitee. I haven't had the inspiration to come up with something really clever for today, regrettably. Forgive me?

My Resolutions

1. Live healthier. This is more then just a promise to exercise more or eat better. Let me 'splain. 

a) Spiritually. Spend more time with the Physician. He can heal the broken parts that maybe I don't even know are there. Also, spending time everyday in His Word sets the tone for my day, week, month and year. I want it to be a good one, and it can be an excellent year no matter what happens as long as I'm solid in Him!

b) Emotionally. God gives our hearts joy and peace no matter what is going on around us, because things happen beyond our control to take away from our happiness. But there are two sides to that. If things happening around us affect our happiness, maybe we should try to affect the things around us for good.

c) Physically. I'm at the point of my life where it is easy to get into shape. As long as I have the discipline. So I am taking this opportunity to do so. 

(This next one is a little shallow...)

2) Build a good wardrobe. I started this year off by going through my closet and pitching anything I hadn't worn more then once since I bought it  (excluding formal wear &tc...). Now I am going to build it up again. I'll only be buying classic colors and patterns in shapes and cuts that flatter me. I am going to try and avoid trends. I usually don't feel like me in trendy clothing anyway. 

What are some of your resolutions?  

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